Carolina Mountain Sales joins a national hunger-fighting effort

The Feed the Need initiative, a national campaign to fight against hunger, has a new partner in local real estate company Carolina Mountain Sales.
The campaign will kick off on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, also known as #GivingTuesday, and will work in tandem with national hunger-fighting non-profit organization Move For Hunger.
A Wilkinson ERA Real Estate Company, Carolina Mountain Sales is hosting the community initiative to gather substantial amounts of non-perishable and unused food items to benefit local food pantries. It's part of an overall effort to give back to local communities and help stock food pantries across the country in advance of the holiday season.
"We’ll have a collection point in our office with containers for holding and storing the food items that people donate," said Tracy McCormack, Director of Marketing. "We are soliciting non-perishable food donations from the general public and from community businesses and associates." The donations will go to several food pantries and the drive will conclude on December 11 with deliveries from the Carolina Mountain Sales office of all food items donated. "We want to make sure we can make the biggest impact by addressing the largest needs," McCormack added.
Move For Hunger is a non-profit organization that mobilizes the relocation industry to fight hunger and reduce food waste. In addition to collecting food from people who are moving to new homes, Move For Hunger helps companies and individuals across the United States and Canada organize successful food drives. To date, they have collected more than 11 million pounds of food. For more information, or to find out how you can host your own food drive, visit
“Our team cares about this community and has a passion to make it even stronger,” said Amanda Holland, Broker-In-Charge “We are urging everyone in the community to join us in this important campaign to make sure our local food pantries are adequately stocked to meet the needs of its clients this holiday season.”
“At this time of year especially, we pause to think about others and how we can help those who are food insufficient. Feed the Need is an important initiative to address such a critical issue in our communities,” McCormack said.